Project on Academic Integrity in Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Turkey (PAICKT)

About Project

Target Countries

The Project of Academic Integrity in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Turkey is exploring perceptions and understanding about policies and procedures for supporting academic integrity and deterring and managing student plagiarism and academic dishonesty. One of the main parts of the project is to collect information from students, teachers and management from higher education institution in the region. This data are collected using questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. The on-line questionnaires are available in several different languages.

The project focuses on Higher Education in the following countries:

Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey.



  • To identify and analyze policies and practices regarding plagiarism and academic integrity
  • To identify gaps and challenges but also good examples and success stories that could be shared
  • To sketch preliminary guidelines which could serve as a reference basis for promoting capacity building in higher education institutions and/or peer-learning on plagiarism

Target Groups


  • Higher education students
  • Academic (teaching) staff
  • Senior managers responsible for quality and integrity
  • National policymakers for higher education
  • Quality assurance and standards agencies and researchers into aspects of academic integrity and quality assurance for higher education



  • July 2018: start of the project
  • July—September 2018: preparation of online questionnaires
  • August—December 2018: a review of national policies
  • January—June 2019: data collection via online questionnaires
  • April—September 2019: personal interviews and focus groups with students, teachers, and managers
  • September—November 2019: data analysis and preparation of the report for Council of Europe


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Project team

Team Mendelu

Tomáš Foltýnek

Dita Dlabolová

Jana Dannhoferová

Veronika Králiková

Team Coventry

Irene Glendinning

Stella-Maris Orim

Anna Michalska

Tijana Riznić

This project is financed by:

Council of Europe Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education. (ETINED)

Preceding Projects


“Project on Academic Integrity in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, and Turkey” a follow-up project of “Impact of Policies for Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe (IPPHEAE,, 2010 - 2013) and South-East European Project on Policies for Academic Integrity (SEEPPAI,, 2016 - 2017).


Research Methods

  • Review of national policies and other documents valid on national levels
  • Collection of quantitative data via online questionnaires available in local languages
  • Collection of qualitative data via:
    • Interviews with teachers and with leaders and managers of higher education institutions
    • Focus groups with students

Offer of Workshops or Lectures

What we offer

PAICKT team offers workshops or lectures on the topic of academic integrity to the institutions we visit. These can be tailored to suit students or teachers. Please discuss your preferences in advance of a visit so we are aware of what would work best for your institution.

Where is the borderline of plagiarism?

The workshop is a mixture of information, activities to make participants think about the issues and discussions. It also presents results from European-wide surveys about plagiarism. Participants are encouraged to share their personal experience. We will talk about the understanding of plagiarism, discuss several scenarios and assess their severity. We will also consider reasons leading students to plagiarism, and discuss prevention, and also the policies and penalties which are a necessary part of the prevention. As for prevention, we will share the best practices collected in the European-wide project. In the end, a brief introduction to the technical aspects of plagiarism detection will be given: What are the plagiarism detection tools able to discover, where are their limits and how to read similarity reports.

Focus Groups With Students


The discussions with students from the local universities in focus groups are a very important part of the research. We very appreciate open discussions with students, their honesty and their trust in the researchers. Everything said in the focus group is confidential and will be only used anonymously - individuals and the institution will not be identifiable in the research results.

What is a focus group?

A focus group is a research method involving a small group of (ideally 5-12) people and a facilitator. The participants are asked to discuss their views about a certain topic. The goal is to collect the reactions from a small sample of people that should reflect the views of the larger population.

Making a Complaint


If you are unhappy with any aspect of this research, please first contact the Coventry University Principal Investigator: If you still have concerns then please contact to Pro Vice Chancellor for research Professor Olivier Sparagano, DVC Office, Coventry University, (

The research design has been reviewed and approved through Coventry University`s Research Ethics procedures. To see the Certificate of Ethical Approval, please contact Dr Irene Glendinning (


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why have I been approached? We are surveying a broad range of people in higher education in this region about their understanding and experiences.
  • Do I have to take part? Participation is entirely voluntary. If you change your mind about participating in the focus group you can withdraw by speaking to the researcher. There are no consequences in deciding that you no longer wish to participate in this study.
  • How long will it take? The focus group will take about 40—60 minutes of your time.
  • Who is leading the focus group? The focus groups are lead by researchers from our team, no local teachers or managers are present.
  • Are there any risks if I take part? There are no risks in taking part. Participants and their institution will not be identifiable through any information they provide during the focus group.
  • What are the benefits of taking part? You will be asked to reflect on your study practices and those of your colleagues. You may learn about academic integrity and why it is important in education and society. By taking part in this research you will be contributing to an important Council of Europe project. Your input will help to influence educational strategy and policies locally, nationally and internationally.
  • How will the responses be collected? With permission from all the focus group members, we would like to audio record the focus group. The audio recording will be later transcribed.
  • Will my responses be kept anonymous? Yes. Any personal information will be removed from the responses during the transcription process. The survey analysis will ensure that none of the participants or their institutions can be identified. All responses will be collated and analysed in such a way that individuals and institutions will not be named.
  • What will happen to the results of the research study? The results will be analysed and presented in a project report. The findings may be presented at academic conferences and published in academic journals. The anonymous data collected from the survey may be used for subsequent related research, preserving anonymity.

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